Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Why Bear Grylls Deserves to be My Hollywood Boyfriend

Some of you scoffed at me when I revealed my Hollywood crush last weekend. To be honest, I was a little offended. Bear Grylls is as deserving, or even more so, of my devotion as Ellen Degeneres is of Brandon's. Of course, I'm a happily married woman, so I'm not in the market for a love interest, but I think Bear and I could be very good friends. Let's put our compatibility to the test:
#1 - We both like sushi.

#2 - We both appreciate a nice fur coat.

#3 - We like salty stuff.

For more Bear clips, check him out on YouTube (don't listen to all the jealous wannabes who call him a fake) or watch Man vs. Wild on the Discoery channel.

1 comment:

Annie said...

After watching that last clip, I may have to fight you for him.