Sunday, September 03, 2006

Dr. Jack Shephard

This is just a little shout out to my "lost" friends. Hence the title of the post, which, by the way, I insist on people calling me at work. I also tell everyone what to do and pretend like I keep seeing the ghost of my father in the hospital. (Yes, I'm excited about season 3. And yes, they got hugely snubbed by the Emmy people).

Well, I guess you guys aren't lost, just really friggin' far away. I really hope the boys are adjusting to things in your programs and that overall things are getting better. Brandon, we need an update about what happened when the Residency Review committee came to your program and what they found out about work hours, etc. And I of course hope the girls are having fun getting to know your now homes better.

I'm on surgery right now, which is sweet. The guy I'm working with is totally nice. And he's older, so he has slowed down and doesn't even work Fridays. We took a nice trip out to Glacier National Park last weekend. But, all good things must end, and OB is next, so don't get too jealous. But overall, it doesn't feel so crazy to call myself "doctor" anymore, so I guess that's good.

So how long until next Thanksgiving? Hopefully we can all still make that work. And Rob, are you going to have the chance to go to any football games this year?

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