Somewhere out there beneath the pale TV light
Someone's watching the LOST premiere and loving it tonight
Somewhere out there someone's saying a prayer
That the VCR worked and post-call he can watch without a care
And even though we know how very far apart we are
It helps to think we might be watching that same TV star
And when the show is over and it's time to go to bed
It helps to think we're mulling the same show 'round in our head
Somewhere out there if LOST can see us through
Then we'll be together sometime next year
During Thanksgiving, it's true
1 comment:
The year was 1991. I was 13 years old, just getting my feet wet in the public speaking arena. After a fierce battle of wits, the Castaic Middle School faculty chose my best friend me to give the 8th grade graduation speech. I was awarded the booby prize - to READ the lyrics to the song of the year, "Somewhere Out There."
My mother coached me for weeks on this presentation, "Don't just SAY the words, really FEEL them," she would tell me. The result was this...Alisa Tippetts, dressed head to toe in electric blue taffeta, stands at the microphone, and says "Somewhere" (looooonnnggg dramatic pause) "Out there" (another pause of equally ridiculous length) beneath the pale...moon...light....
Twenty three minutes later, my reading was finished.
The commencement ceremony concluded with the presentation of our diplomas (sadly, the only diploma many of my classmates ever received). At the reception that followed, I couldn't help overhearing the snickered "Somewhere" (five minutes later) "Out there"'s from my classmates. This taunting continued until about the tenth grade, when my acne and frizzy hair superceded the dramatic reading on the list of things I should be tortured about by my classmates.
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