Just in case anyone was wondering if I was still around anymore, I am. I even regularly look at the Blog to see what everyone is up to. You may ask why I haven't posted any thing. The answer is simple: while Chad has the energy to actually do fun things, and Rob goes home and still is awake remodeling, I on the other hand come home and go into a catatonic state where I can only eat/sleep/watch TV/ and stare at a computer screen. So in light of that, to keep you all up dated on my life, here is a picture of me "doing my thing". The nice thing is, that now that I am a zombie I don't have any emotions and I am not even frustrated with my life anymore. I hope every one is well and brainstorming our q3year vaction coming up in 2 1/2 years. (I'm thinking Miami). I hope life continues to go well for everyone, and if I ever actually do something worth noting, I'll try and make a record of it.
According this the picture, you've been developing a lazy eye...that's worth noting, Go!
I didn't want to be the first to say it, but yes, the lazy eye is apparent. You should note that this is coming from a girl whose left eye usually wakes up 5-10 minutes earlier than the right. So...no worries :)
Hope things settle down someday.
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