Friday, April 27, 2007

Pavlov's Dogs

Is it just me, or does anyone else smell ocean air when they eat Haagen Dazs? We tried Mayan chocolate last night. We solemnly thank you for the recommendation. Are we really going to go anywhere else besides back to Maui in 2012? I really want to go back there again, but I can't imagine taking the trip without the rest of you. Thoughts on our post-residency destination??
P.S. Other recommendation thanks include Blink by Malcolm Gladwell. That was my choice for my Spokane book club this month. Hopefully everyone else will enjoy it too :)

1 comment:

Julie said...

I think Hagen Daazs tastes much better because it does conjure up a nighttime walk on the beach with the tiki torches burning. Just think--in slightly over 5 years, we'll be able to go any time we want! Right?!?! Please just say yes, because that thought keeps me going :) Til then, we'll keep eating Hagen Daazs!