Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Guy Love

Warning: If I don't post for the next couple of days, CHECK ON ME! Chad might kill me when he reads this post.
Luckily, he is so busy studying for USMLE Step 3, that he might not check the blog for a few days.
I just couldn't help thinking of our guys when I heard this little ditty - of course the content needs to be edited to read "Guy Love Between THREE Guys". Good friends are hard to come by!


Julie said...

That episode of scrubs was hilarious. That song plus the pooh song? Pretty hard to top!

[AnnieR] said...

I was thinking the exact same thing during that song when I watched that episode, Alisa.

I'm glad you posted - I wondering if you were in the hospital having a baby! It bugs me that I won't know and that I'll have to find out after the fact. Damn this continential divide!

[alisar] said...

Of course you don't have to wait until after the fact to know our baby is born. We are planning on hooking up a live-feed via the blog. You can see every beautiful detail of the labor, birth, post delivery, etc. Stay tuned June 6th...

Why do I get such a kick out of making fun of people who video tape their births? I don't know. I'll stop now.