Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Possible Themes For This Year's Thanksgiving Extravaganza

1. To-ga! To-ga! To-ga!

2. Saved by the Bell: Hawaiian Vacation -  Scrunchees.  Double layered socks.  Muscle shirts. 
Leis.  Viewing of 1990 VHS recording of "Saved by the Bell: Hawaiian Vacation." Added perk: Mr. Belding in shorts.

3. Goth Prom - Unisex black lip liner.  Black carnation corsages. 

4. Cabaret - Liza! Liza! Liza!

5. IOWA - Black and gold.  Corn and lots of it.  Democrats.  Bad haircuts.

6. Harry Potter - Drawn-on scars.  Scarves.  British accents.  Old gay guys.

7. Clue - Colonel Ringger in the basement with a cornucopia.  Or was it Mrs. Jackson in the 
newly painted dining room with a turkey baster?  

8. Alias - Red wigs.  Cowboy hats.  Rambaldi inventions.  Code names.  (Dibs on "Snuffleupagus.")

9. Renaissance Festival - Pan Pipes.  Jesters.  Turkey legs. Unisex pantyhose. "Doth m'lady care for another helping of green bean casserole?"

10. Old School Style - Good food.  Good conversation.  Boys huddled, gossiping in the corner with the school directory.

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