What's up everyone? I started my internal medicine month, and yeah, it blows. But it amazes me that my 75 hour week seemed so painful, and Rob and Brandon are over 80 (100!!??) regularly. The other weird thing is how much I miss certain things about the University Hospital (Changing Medicine, Changing Lives...), like enough computers on all the floors, typing all notes on the system and using templates (as opposed to indecipherable notes written in the paper chart by consultants or whatever, Avagard outside every rooom, etc. I never knew the UI hospital was so nice.
Anyway, before Medicine started, Alisa and I had the chance to celebrate by seeing Pearl Jam at the Gorge Ampitheatre. It was crazy delicious. The end of their U.S. tour, 30th row fan club seats, dead center, one of the most beautiful venues to see a concert. They played for almost 3 hours and it was amazing. The only bad part was the heat - it was 105-110 degrees out in the middle of the Central Washington desert. Alisa really, really, loved being crammed in a row of sweaty, shirtless, pot-smoking Pearl Jam fanatics. Here are a few pics I took.
1 comment:
The show sounds pretty sweet--I'm glad the seating was a little better than the cold play show in wisconsin. Here's the big question, we're you one of the shirtless, pot-smoking pearl jam fans? On a different note, as far as the work hours thing, in some ways, I'd still rather do 80 hrs. of surgery than 65-70 hrs. of medicine. Good luck with the rest of the month!
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