Med School Buddies
I hope as you read the title you have the Counting Crows version of the song running through your head and not say, the Amy Grant version...By saying that I'm also probably exposing myself as the only person on this blog who knows there is an Amy Grant version of that song...but I digress. Chad's last post hit at something that I've been thinking a lot about lately--that there really were some great things about Iowa and about UIHC. I do miss the Avagard, the stuff here doesn't leave your hands as sliky smooth. And I miss the lighting. Everything at Iowa was well lighted. Here's it's like they are trying to save money on light bulbs or something and there aren't many windows, sometime when I do see the sun, it's a complete suprise, like "oh wow, it is sunny outside, it is still daytime." I'm afriad the last vestiges of my Hawaii tan are fading away.
To other matters, Alisa thanks for the David Hasselhoff clips--I can't believe he's still working the Knight rider thing. For some reason watching those vidoes, I started wondering if there was anyone else in American Pop culture that holds a similar position to Mr. Hasselhoff. Then it hit me--William Shattner--someone famous from a weird sci-fi TV show, who should be washed up by now, but is kept alive by a strangely devoted fan base (although it's trekkies, not germans like it is for DH) and by the weird fascination he generates with the rest of the public. Strange music videos seem to help too. Check these out as evidence. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yerCiByca4 and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yerCiByca4 Other than that, I really don't think there is anyone like those two. Any other nominations?
Brandon, thanks for your post, you pretty much said exactly what I was feeling after my first couple of weeks as a surgery intern--it sucked. It still sucks, but it's getting better. The most hours I've logged in a week so far was 98, and I've been under 80 for the last two. I'm also getting more used to being on call and I think we are all adapting to our new scheduled--Gracie still seems to remember my name. The one nice thing here is that they are good getting me out the door early when I'm post call, so my compensation for another sleepless night as a scut monkey is that I get to spend the day with Julie and Gracie--after I pass out for a couple of hours. The residents I've been working with have gotten better since the first couple weeks too. My favorite quote from my first week is "yeah, I know I"m suppossed to be your back-up call tonight, but don't call me, I'm going to be drinking so you better just call the cheif." which is what one of the upper level residents on my first team at the VA told me. Since then I've been working with better senior residents and that's helped too. Anyway, it's tough, but it's getting better--I think I may actually be starting to enjoy myself a bit. As you saw, the house is coming along too, the wall is now offically gone and I think it's going to look good. I do have to say that beating the crap out it with a sledge hammer was fun though.
Good to finally see a Rob post. I went ahead and forwarded the Amy Grant part to my entire email list, so word is out (hope that's cool with you!) Glad to hear that things have gotten a little better for you.
Rob, I appreciate your insights on should-be-washed-up celebrities. Strong work on identifying William S. as the perfect companion to David H. I have spent the week trying to come up with another nominee, to no avail. The closest I have come is to pre-nominate Harrison Ford - if he ever does an Indiana Jones inspired rock video, he will have to join the ranks of Shatner and the Hoff.
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