Sunday, July 09, 2006

Treading Water

I have to admit I approach the responsibility of posting on this blog with trepidation. I don’t know if I can deliver the wit/intellect combination supplied by all contributors thus far. On my family blog, respect is earned by merely being literate. I hope I have what it takes to be a valued member of the “frank4president” community. Bear with my feeble attempts at humor…

After a surprisingly peaceful 1700 mile drive to Spokane, our adventure began. We arrived at our new home, cozily nestled between a bowling alley and a payday advance loan center. We were welcomed to the block by a well-meaning neighbor who counseled us to leave our doors unlocked so that the local hoodlums could loot our car without burdening us with the added expense of replacing broken windows.

Now, you may remember me saying that I grew up being the only white kid on my school bus, and that most of my friends’ parents wouldn’t let them visit my neighborhood. I will admit the situation afforded me unique experiences that I now appreciate, but I’m not planning on giving my kids those same opportunities for social growth. We lasted ONE NIGHT at this place before ripping up our lease (so to speak) and moving out. It all ended well and we are now settled into a quiet, though less exciting, neighborhood in the ‘burbs.

Since then we’ve been busy establishing new haunts around Spokane. So far it strikes me as a nice sized city with plenty to do with the fam. We’re all happy and doing fine. In other words - Doing the bulldance, Feeling the flow.


Annie said...

ah, the payday advance loan center. that's where i like to meet my men, along with my anger management class.

so glad you're safe now. what a scare! sometime, please post any recent funny-Caleb stories. i miss them!

Annie said...

"feeble attempts at humor"... PA-SHAW!