Ok, so I went to the Jackson's Flickr page and I think it is haunted. These two pictures showed up instead of some pics that were supposed to be of Grace going to sleep and one of icy leaves. When you click on the photo, the real one comes up. But seriously? Who are these people? Spooky.
So Rob asked about any opinions/interests. I realize this was pointed at Brandon, not me but since I seem to be the Reynolds spokesperson as of late, I will do it, but know that this is coming from Brandon. (Don't take him not blogging personally - he doesn't even blog on the big Reynolds family (with his brothers and his parents) and you all know how umbilically attached he still is to his family, so he doesn't love you any less, he just really is hardly ever here and when he is here, he's ripping up our kitchen floor to put down new cherrywood hardwood flooring! Yea!) So. Newish Things Reynolds like:
-The movie "Stranger Than Fiction"
-The TV show "24" - get the DVDs and watch them from the beginning first season. And when you watch them on DVD, you can watch at least 2 in a row because watching just one episode will drive you mad.
-The TV show "Heroes" - really good and you all probably watch it all ready
-The book "Shantaram" by Gregory David Roberts - IT'S CRAZY. It's hard to believe all of this really happened to the guy. If you ask Brandon, all of it really didn't. Classic Reynolds.
-Snack food: Pringles Select Sun Dried Tomato chips. SO GOOD.
-Snack food: Meduri dried fruits - Brandon's parents put them in our stockings and then sent them to us for V-Day and they are UNREAL. I don't know where they are sold, they might be an internet buy.
-Technology: Mac's Airport Extreme Base Station. Here's what it makes possible for us: It makes our internet and iTunes wireless, so our internet connection is down in the basement, our computer upstairs in the front room and we can play music from upstairs from our iTunes on the stereo downstairs in the basement.
-Some songs we have downloaded lately:
-"Maybe You Can Owe Me" by Architecture in Helsinki
-"Scenic World" by Beirut
-"The Skin of My Yellow Country Teeth" by Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
-"LDN" and "Smile" by Lily Allen
-"Goods" by Mates of State
-"Wrath Pinned to the Mist and Other Games" and "Requim for O.M.M." by Of Montreal
-"Hey There Deliliah" by Plain White T's
-"Australia" by The Shins
We did it, now it's the rest of your turns!
I have no idea who those people go into our website, they don't show up when we log on, very very strange.
Already saw "Stranger than Fiction," thought it was one of the smartest, funniest movies in a long time. Favorite line--"with those questions I just determined that you're not Scout Finch, Ms. Marple, 7 mythological figures or a character in 3 classic fables......."
Appreciate the rest of the recs, especially the dried fruit and the music. Ringger/Reynolds recs are about the only thing that keep me even musically current--not a lot of hip music on NPR....
Loved the suggestions. I can't believe you all loved Stranger than Fiction, though. Walked into the theater fully expecting to love it, left pretty disappointed. And yes, I knew exactly what type of movie it was, read all the reviews before hand, etc., and wasn't expecting a typical Ferrell movie. In fact, that's why I was looking forward to it so much. I hate watching movies with high expectations, it seems like disappointment too often follows. And, um, how likely was the Maggie Gylenhall/Will Ferrell connection? On a different note, you have to watch the trailer for his new movie, Blades of Glory - hilarious. Watch it on Yahoo right now.
Can't wait to sit down and look up some new music! While it's embarrassing to admit, my music collection pretty much stopped growing when the Indigo Girls and Sarah mcLachlin stopped making CDs. Though there IS a new Indigo Girls album, and we got to see them for free with about 200 other people at our local Borders store. Cool!
Also, Annie, I'd love to see how your kitchen is coming. Let us know how the hardwood is---I think we're opting for laminate, ourselves.
Maryn and I have a standing afternoon dance session to LDN - thanks to you.
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