Anyway, things in Jackson -land are good. Great in fact. We have to take all 4 weeks of our vacation in a block and my block is the month of Feburary. So this post is actually coming to you from St. George, Utah. We're just getting ready to go take-in part of the St. George area home show. We spent the first ten days of my break working on the house--doing dry-wall and paint. It's actually starting to look like somewhere someone might want to live. Then we took off for San Diego for 4 days. Grace is in the huge animal/fish phase so we thought that San Diego would be perfect warm weather for us, the SD zoo and Sea World for Gracie. It was sweet, there's something theraputic about shorts and flip-flops. It wasn't Maui, but standing on the beach, if you closed your eyes and listened to the waves, and ignored the still slightly chilly temperatures, it was close--or at least a lost closer than Michigan in Feburary.
As time goes on, I've realized that one of the things I miss most about the good old Iowa City days is not just hanging out with you all, but how much I appreciated your taste and opinions. From Alias, to the Office, to the Transporter, to books by Michael Connelly and Harlan Coban, to the Killers, to breakfast at the Hamburg Inn, so many of the things I enjoyed were things you guys turned us on to. I'd like to think that maybe we contributed by introducing you to lunch at Lincoln cafe, the wonders of wal-mart brownies, chocolate and toffee covered macadamia nuts and the joys of living in a trailer. Anyway, here's my proposal, if there are any new shows, movies, authors, web sites--heck even snack-food products that you've taken a liking to--post it on the blog. That way I can once again be the beneficiary of Ringger/Reynolds good taste. My initiatial contribution will be this. The show Psych on US network. It's actually pretty funny--and it's perfect for those Friday nights where you want to watch something, but you're too tired to make it through an entire movie or you don't feel like going to the video store. I'll limit it to that for now since this is getting too long and there are still picture's I want to add.
The kitchen w/ new cabinets and counters, this was taken before we had all the cabinet doors and before we painted the walls milk-chocolate brown (the green looked weird w/ the counters). Obviously we still need drapes too, but at least it's out of the 70s.
San Diego pics: I'd post them, but flikr is being kind of cranky about it right now.
Must see video. Gracie now loves to dance, this is her shaking it at the Urology Dept. Xmas Karaoke party. We were there for 2 hours and we couldn't get her off the stage.
More later,
OH WOW! The kitchen looks great. I'm imagining it brown and it looks really, really good. I've been wondering what the status was on the remodel. Keep up the good work and now that you've conquered the Blogging Log-in Fiasco, keep those pictures coming.
Wow! I finally was able to go to your link. I cannot believe how big Grace has gotten! She is so beautiful and alarmingly intelligent too. My favorite pics might be the icy tree pic and Grace in the Austrian castle. Also...cute new glasses! SO SO SO good to hear from you. Keep 'em coming!
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, overand over. The other problem was that Melvin and I wanted more than one child,and we had wanted them close in years of age, but nature played byits own rules.
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