Sunday, February 25, 2007

Rob's Recs

So I've been dying to really dive into this discuss about things that are worth recommending. So.........

Things I like that I hope you guys will too and that I don't like very much and hope you won't either. :)

TV: Other than Psych, not much new to recommend. Still loving the Office. Somewhat embarrased to admit but I am looking forward to the new season of Dancing with the Stars. Julie has become a full-fledged Gillmore Girls junkie with the help of ourDVR. I'm kind of wavering on Lost, I really didn't like the mini-season, and I wasn't that in to the first episode since it came back. However, we haven't been able to watch it since we got to Utah, so I'll have to see what the last couple of episodes were like. I'm pretty much just tired of new characters with new back stories and after the end of Alias I have no faith that JJ actually has any answers. (that and as Chad pointed out--what the heck is a Kidney Sac? Was I gone that day in anatomy lab?)

Movies: Really liked both Stranger than Fiction (as previously discussed) and the Devil Wore Prada. Really want to see The Illusionist and The Prestige, but haven't had time. Really hated Superman. Just saw Music and Lyrics, it gets a very strong Meh...The 80's music video at the start is almost worth the price of admission, the rest was throughly mediocre--at best.

Joseph Smith, Rough Stone Rolling. Okay, how boring am I that I am recommending a biography? I love this book though, it's really facinating. The guy that wrote it a history prof at Columbia and a member of the church, and he's brilliant. It's insightful, interesting and inspiring without making you feel like you are sitting in a BYU religion class and without sound like it was something churned about by the religion dept/Deseret Book industrial complex.

Blink, The Art of Thinking without Thinking. I think Ringgers may have read this one already. It's a really compelling look at the power of the subconcious. I wasn't sure what to do with all his info, once I was done reading it, but it's cool enough I don't mind.

Snack Food: Hershy's Really Nuts, Cocao Covered Chocolate Peanuts. MMMMMMMMM. Buy a bag and keep eating after the first handful, by the end of the bag you will have fallen in love. The cocoa is a little bitter at first,but for lack of a better way to explain it, they finish well.

I would also recommend.......vacation. It's been really nice to have some time off to see our families. We actually managed to work it out so we were here for the Girls State Highschool BBall Tourney, so we got to see my sister and her team win the 4a state title. Even Gracie liked going to the games.



Chad said...

Thanks for the recs Rob. I'll check them out fo sho. I have to say I don't share your waning enthusiasm about Lost, although I guess plenty of other people do, as I hear your sentiments a lot, and I guess the ratings are dropping pretty hard. I still love it and will continue to argue that it's the best show (ok, best Drama) ever to be on TV (and can't even think of a close 2nd), but that's just me.

[alisar] said...

We saw The Illusionist and The Prestige within a couple weeks of eachother. Both great, but we preferred The Prestige. Let us know what you think.
I have to send an amen to your sentiments on Lost. I've been crying the same river, much to Chad's chagrin. But the new ones (since the break) have been more redeeming. I guess I'm on the brink of reconciliation with JJ even though we were on the rocks for a while.
Keep the recs coming - everyone. I LOVE IT.